Tania Romero-Gonzalez
Tania Romero, from Panama, has a M.S. degree from the University of Bremen in Aquatic Tropical Ecology. She currently works at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute as a Research Manager, as well as a Country Program specialist consultant for the United Nation Development Program. She has been working on the estimation of the total ecosystem carbon stock for the Pacific mangroves in Panama and has extensive experience working in different tropical marine and coastal ecosystems of the past 15 years. She works closely with the government of Panama, along with local and international NGOs, to develop the first total ecosystem carbon stock (TECS) for Panamanian mangroves, generating Tier II data according to the IPCC standards. Tania collaborated on the production of a national Blue Carbon Protocol, as well as the Central America Manual for Blue Carbon Estimation, and participated as the lead consultant in the mangrove TECS estimation in the Fonseca Gulf shared by Honduras and El Salvador.