Ines Mazarrasa Elosegui
PhD in Marine Ecology, by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, 2016). Inés currently holds a postdoctoral fellowship by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Juan de la Cierva Incorporación) at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria, IHCantabria (Spain). Inés conducted her PhD in the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, UIB-CSIC) on the role seagrass meadows play as carbon (C) sinks, supervised by Dr. Núria Marbà and Dr. Carlos Duarte, supported by a predoctoral fellowship of the Government of the Balearic Is. Since then, her research has been mainly focused on Blue Carbon ecosystems. She is particularly interested in understanding how different environmental factors and human pressures (e.g. land use change, pollution) affect the carbon sink role these ecosystems play and how conservation and restoration projects can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation while enhancing all other ecosystem services. Her research has focused in seagrass meadows and saltmarshes (and more recently in seaweed communities) from different countries (e.g. Costa Rica, Australia, Spain) and environments (e.g. coastal, estuarine). She has been visiting fellow at the Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y LimnologÃa of the University of Costa Rica (four months ,2016-2017) and at the Centre for Marine Ecosystems Research of Edith Cowan University (six months, 2018-2019) supported by different competitive grants (i.e. José Castillejo by the Spanish Ministry of Universities; Santander Investigación by Fundación Santander Universidades). In 2022 she was postdoctoral researcher in the Group for Aquatic Macrophyte Ecosystems research of the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC). She has collaborated with different entities in knowledge transfer and capacity building projects related to Blue Carbon ecosystems. She is also involved in student supervision and teaching in higher education, and in engaging the society and stakeholders, through outreach and dissemination activities, in the protection and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems