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8th UK National Decade Committee Meeting

Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh, Scotland

At the 8th UK National Decade committee meeting, the NDC committee brought together stakeholders from the UN Ocean Decade, the private sectors, and NGOs to discuss all things Ocean Decade. Amongst the agenda items, were updates on communications and websites, UK engagement with the wider UN Ocean decade, and UK involvement at the upcoming UN Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona.

During the session on the UK's involvement with the Ocean Decade, GO-BC was given a platform by which it was able to share with other UK-based UN Ocean Decade actions (programmes and projects) what the aims of GO-BC are, and what its plans are within the wider context of the decade. Throughout this session, each of the UK-based Decade Actions were given the opportunity to share, communicate, and collaborate, and fostered a constructive dialogue for all.

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